About Us

  • Our Vision

    To endow young people of BTR with skills for employment, decent works and entrepreneurship for sustainable development.

  • Our mission

    "Engaging young people including students and enhancing their Technical, Cognitive, Behavioural, Digital, Vocational and Life Skill for 21st century skill requirements early in their life so that they can design strategy for succes and ensure decent jobs, self employment and bring sensitive changes in the region.

  • Our Strategy

    Strategy of Skill Employment and Entrepreneurship Department

    The Skill Employment and Entrepreneurship Department of the Bodoland Territorial Region (BTR) aims to promote skill development, employment generation, and entrepreneurship in the region. The department has identified several strategies to achieve its mission, including: Promoting skill development, Encouraging entrepreneurship, Creating employment opportunities,Fostering innovation, Building partnerships.


    Background of Skill Employment and Entrepreneurship Department

    The Bodoland Territorial Area Districts (BTAD) is an autonomous region located in the state of Assam in India. The Bodoland Skill Employment and Entrepreneurship Department (BSEED) was created in 2017 as part of the Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC) with the mission to develop and implement strategies for promoting skill development, employment generation, and entrepreneurship in the region.